Phalombe man identified as Wyson Sabola (45 years) has killed himself by drinking pesticides after his wife refused him marrying a second wife.
He has been found dead in the bush today 15th July 2020 after he had gone missing since Tuesday the 14th July, 2020.
Accordingly to information available, recently Sabola has been pushing his wife to allow him take the second wife.
But his wife has been opposing the idea.
This did not appease Sabola, as such, he decided to commit suicide by drinking pesticides.
The matter was reported to police where officers and medical practitioner from Migowi health center visited the scene.
Postmortem results showed that the deceased’s death was due to poison. He was also found with the pesticide in his pocket.
Meanwhile police in Phalombe appeal to the general public to follow proper channels of resolving their grievances other than taking own life.
Sabola hailed from Helemani village, Traditional Authority Nyezerera in the district.
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