The Mzimba Heritage Association has canceled this year’s Ngoni Umtheto gathering due to the surge in Covid-19 cases that the country is registering.

The Associations General Secretary Moses Mkandawire said this is to stop further spread of the novel corona virus as the festival pools together a lot of people.

However, Mkandawire said the decision has the blessing of the Ngoni chief’s council.

He added that the festival might come back next year if the pandemic will be under control.

“We have noted the rising cases of covid19 as the numbers are increasing day in day out so with the blessing of the chiefs council we have cancelled this year’s Umtheto festival,” said Mkandawire.

He further said this year festival would have discussed issues of child labor, early marriages, migration and other issues that affect the people of Mzimba .

The yearly gathering is held at the foot of Hora Mountain.

Mzimba district has so far registered over 400 Covid19 cases with 5 deaths since June.

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