Former president Joyce Banda is under pressure from concerned Malawians who are demanding her apology over her remarks that there is no Coronavirus in the country.

During a political rally in Nkhata Bay, Banda who is a leader for Peoples party (PP) said there is no Coronavirus in the country as the past immediate ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was only politicizing the pandemic.

The calls for Banda’s apology have come at a time the country is experiencing a surge of covid-19 cases that are nearly hit 3, 000 and over 60 casualties.

The former president who leads People’s party which forms part of the governing Tonse alliance vehemently dispelled claims that there is corona virus in the country.

“Kolona iliko, kulibe? (Do we have corona in Malawi or not?),” asked Banda and got the ‘kulibe'(we don’t have) answer from the gathering.

This, according to concerned Malawians, misled people who resorted to ignoring public health guidelines that are meant at containing the virus from spreading.

“We want her to withdraw the remarks and apologize to the public urgently,” said one of the concerned individuals.

He added: “Such kind of remarks have led our country into big trouble. The rate at which the virus is spreading is alarming.”

Recently, president Lazarus Chakwera, also failed to clearly respond to a question during his interview on BBC focus on Africa on whether there is corona virus in Malawi or not.

Chakwera, however, disclosed that the virus is in the country and that his government is trying all it can to contain it from further spread.

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