Today, United Transformation Movement (UTM) is celebrating two years since it was launched in 2018 at Masintha ground in the capital Lilongwe.

UTM came into existence after the state vice president Saulos Chilima under the former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration fallout with his boss Peter Mutharika.

In June 2018, Chilima through a press briefing, announced that he has left the party and focus on his life without disclosing the future of his political carrier despite growing calls from different people within the DPP to represent the party in the May 21, 2019 presidential elections.

Chilima refused the calls, even though some DPP officials already formed Chilima Movement pushing for his presidency.

UTM was fully registered as a political party in September 2018.

Writing on her Facebook page UTM’s Secretary General Patricia Kaliati thanked people in the country for rendering support the party needed.

“Today Marks exactly 2 years after the birth of UTM. We as UTM would like to express our gratitude to the Malawi Nation for the support rendered. You stood with us and we know you are there for us… We say Thank you!!!” Kaliati said.

According to Kaliati the journey to build capacity from scratch but with the help and support of people the party managed to be where it is today.

Narrating the birth, growth and successes of UTM without mentioning the name of former first lady Calista Mutharika a wife to the late president Bingu Wa Mutharika would be pointless.

Calista Mutharika; Behind the birth of UTM

Madam Calista Mutharika was the first to come in the open subjecting the abilities of Chilima to rule the country considering that he is youthful, energetic and knows his job well.

According to Madam Mutharika, her brother in law ex-president Peter Mutharika was old a reason enough not to let him to seek the second term.

UTM is among the 9 parties that are forming Tonse Alliance government which ousted DPP in the July 23 fresh presidential elections sanctioned by the Constitution Courts.

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