Mzuzu Principal Residence Magistrate Court has convicted and Sentenced a 50 year old, Andrew Mtonga to 12 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling a 10 year old girl at Masasa in Mzuzu.

According to Inspector Edith Kachotsa, Public Relations Officer for Mzuzu Police Station, the State told the court that Mtonga defiled the minor on February 17, 2020 whilst in his own house.

Prosecutor Sub Inspector Kaliati Phiri told court that the victim went to Mtonga’s house to play with convict’s daughter.

Later the convict’s wife asked the victim to bring her a cooking stick from the house which was in another house.

When she entered the house, Mtonga grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bedroom where he fulfilled his desires.” Explained Inspector Kachotsa

“Court was further told that Mtonga warned the victim that she was going to die if she reveals the ordeal to anyone. However, the victim couldn’t contain it to herself as she told her farther after some days and the case was reported at Police.” Said Inspector Kachotsa

Mzuzu Police PRO said a medical examination at Mzuzu Central Hospital proved that the girl was defiled which led to Mtonga’s arrest.

“Appearing in court, Mtonga pleaded not guilty to the charge,the situation which forced state to parade five witnesses who proved his guilty.In his submission, Sub Inspector Kaliati Phiri described the convict’s conduct as being irresponsible which did not tally with his age and asked court for a stiff punishment to teach him a lesson and deter would be offenders.” Explained Kachotsa

“When Passing sentence, Principal Residence Magistrate Paul Chiotcha, concurred with the state and sentenced the convict to 12 years imprisonment with hard labour.” Said the Mzuzu Police Station PRO

Andrew Mtonga hails from Zana village in the area of Inkosi Mtwalo in Mzimba District.

Credit: BeyondFm

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