It appears that women have become targets of suspected ritual murders these days as many of them have been found dead and their corpses dumped on the streets of Lagos.

P.M.EXPRESS reports that barely two weeks after two young women were found dead in Abaranje and Igando roads in Ikotun and their corpses dumped on the streets, another has been discovered dead and dumped in another place within the area.

This time, the residents of Isheri Oshun woke up on Monday morning and found the corpse of a lady in a blue trouser and T-shirt dumped on the street.

The incident happened at Ajibade Odetayo street in Isheri Oshun beside Revonia petrol Station in the outskirt of Lagos.

According to the residents, the corpse found in the morning was suspected to be a victim of ritual murder and dumped in the place.

The identity of the victim was not known as the residents who were present said they did not know such a face in the area.

The cause of her death was not yet known because autopsy has not been carried out on her.

However, the residents suspected that the victim might have been killed for ritual purposes.

P.M.EXPRESS gathered that the victim’s nose was stuffed with white cotton which suggested that she might have been used for ritual purpose and dumped on the road site.

When P.M.EXPRESS visited the scene, the corpse was still there and it appeared that there was no response yet as to removing the corpse.

The residents said that they have contacted the police and other relevant agencies who promised to come to evacuate the corpse and deposit at the mortuary for autopsy report.

When our reporter contacted the Divisional Police Officer, DPO, CSP Camellius Emordi, he was said not to be around to comment on the matter.

However, police source confirmed that they were aware and were making efforts to attend to the situation.

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