Kondwani Nankhumwa, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice president for the southern region has asked the Tonse Administration to arrest its own members who have criminal records.

In less than a month of Tonse Alliance in government a number of officials from former ruling DPP have been arrested.

Among other people who have been arrested by Tonse government are Norman Chisale who was former president Peter Mutharika’s security aide who is currently on remand at Chichiri prison and his wife Evalista Chisale who is on remand at Dedza prison.

Notorious DPP cadet Isaac Jomo Osman is also facing his own charges current he is out on bail.

According to Nankhumwa who is also leader of opposition in the National Assembly, some members from the Tonse Administration have criminal offences hanging on their shoulders.

He further said that no one should be above the law simply because they are in government.

United Transformation Movement (UTM) spokesperson Joseph Chidanti Malunga stressed that no member shall be immune from answering charges even if they are in government.

According to Malunga all wrong-doers shall face the consequences of their past mistakes disregarding of the political party they are in.

It is rumored that some top officials from the UTM are connected in the murder of Robert Chasowa a Polytechnic student who was killed during late president Bingu Wa Mutharika’s time.

The two UTM patron Noel Masangwi and Lewis Ngalande were mentioned in the commission of inquiry instituted by former president Joyce Banda.

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