A 20-year old Miles Lambulira is to spend the next 4 years in prison, following the ruling by Limbe First Grade Magistrate Court on July 21, 2020.

Representing the state, Sub Inspector Lewis Pharaoh based at Limbe Police, told the court that on February 1, 2020, Miles Lambulira and his accomplice Rabson Phawesi broke into a shop in Bvumbwe township and stole there in assorted groceries worth K320,000.00.

They were later arrested by police and some stolen items were recovered in the process.

The shop belongs to Francis Kambalame of Dzungu village in the same township.

The two, when they appeared in court denied the charge of Breaking into a building and committing a felony therein which is in contravention of section 311(a) of the penal code.

They were later granted court bail after which Rabson Phawesi fled.

Prosecutor Lewis Pharaoh, had to parade three witnesses to secure conviction of Miles Lambula.

In mitigation, Lambula asked for leniency saying he has a family to look after and would suffer if sent to jail.

However, Pharaoh requested the presiding  magistrate, Her Worship Veronica Magugu to impose a stiff custodial sentence to deter other would be offenders, a thing the magistrate agreed.

He then ordered Miles Lambula to spend 4 years in prison with hard labour and also issued a warrant of arrest for his accomplice Rabson who still at large.

The convict hails from Saukila village in Traditional Authority Gwaza in Zomba.

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