Mzuzu City Council (MCC) on Monday reopened its offices for normal business following end of two week sit in by workers.

Speaking in interview, MCC Public Relations Officer (PRO) McDonald Gondwe said the management and workers union resolved to open the offices for normal operations following the council’s stance to pay salary arrears.

“The management and workers union have agreed to open the offices for normal operations, the resolution follows council’s stance to pay salaries arrears. As it is the council does not owe any employee salary arrears,” explained Gondwe.

He said currently the Council is working on modalities to pay July salaries since it is almost month end.

Gondwe observed that the sit in brought some hiccups to its customers since some of its services were interrupted.

He said “We understand during the sit in period some of the services were interrupted. With the resolution it means we are back to normal providing the services to the people of Mzuzu.”

The PRO then commended its clients, residents, investors, business community among others for their patience while the council worked on resolving the issue.

According to Gondwe, all Mzuzu City Council workers were affected.

MCC Workers Union President, Typen Kamanga, concurred with Gondwe that the Council has opened its offices after resolving the matter with the management.

He said that the discussion with the management was successful as the workers were all paid the two month salary out of the three month arrears.

“They have paid us the two month arrears and the discussion went on very well, they have promised to pay us the balance by the end of this month and we are satisfied with that,” he said.

Kamanga then asked the management to learn a lesson from what had happened to avoid the same thing from happening in future.

The sit in started some two weeks ago following the council’s workers demanding for a three month salary arrears.


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