By Orchestra Kamanga

Located near zingwangwa secondary School in the commercial city of Malawi, Blantyre, Thom Jones Liquor Shop is planning to expand the business at high level and establish some branches across the country to create more job opportunities to Malawians.

Speaking in an interview, the company’s Managing Director Mathelo Kulemeka said his ambition is to see that the company is becoming bigger so that he can create job opportunity to his fellow Malawians.

“My plans are established my own industry and employ more people but that will depend on capital availability,” he said.

Kulemeka further said to establish his industry, he needs K5 million as part of assisting the government in reducing unemployment rate which is at higher rate at the moment.

“It’s very important to create job opportunities than waiting everything from government. As Malawians it’s our duty to help the government employ fellow Malawians,” he said

His main challenge is unstable of raw materials like sugar. The companies produce brands like Grapes, Malambe, Tangerines, Bananas, Pineapple and he learned from his uncle while the company was established by his mother.

Thom Jones Liquor Shop has two braches which are at Chilobwe Centre near Police and Ziyoni with its headquarters at Newlines.




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