Minister of Homeland Security Richard Chimwendo Banda has assured Malawi Prison Services that Government will release risk allowances for prison officers across the country very soon.
The Minister made the remarks when he toured Malawi Prison Services Headquarters in Zomba.
He said with the outbreak of Coronavirus, prison officers are at great risk of contracting the disease, hence the need for risk allowances.
COVID-19 has not spared the country’s prisons as media reports indicated two weeks ago. As of now officials from Malawi Prison Services are running up and down to make sure that they contain the further spread of the disease.
“Let me assure you that Government shares the same challenges that prison officers face especially with this COVID-19 pandemic. So, very soon all prison warders will start receiving their risk allowances,” said Chimwendo.
Up on his arrival the Minister of Homeland Security Richard Chimwendo Banda had a closed door meeting with the Management at Prison Headquarters where they discussed on a number of issues including the need for risk allowances to the prison warders.
In his reaction Banda said government knows great job prison warders do in the country’s prisons and he was quick to say that plans are at an advanced stage to start disbursing risk allowances to prison officers.
The Minister further urged Prison Officers to be on top of their job by promoting professionalism.
He said government will make sure that all their challenges are addressed.
“My Ministry will not entertain gossip amongest officers in exchange of favors no but will entertain only committed officers. He emphasized.
In her remarks Chief Commissioner of Prisons Wandika Phiri hailed the Minister for considering their worries on risk allowances.
“Your coming here Hon Minister has encouraged us and we now know that we are not alone in this fight against Covid 19”
The visit to prison headquarters is among Banda’s recent endeavors to familiarize himself with departments and entities under his Ministry.
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