Enoch Adeboye, better known as “Daddy Go” (Daddy General Overseer), is a Nigerian pastor loved by his millions of followers, but who has once again riled critics on social media with what they say is his sexist attitude.

The 78-year-old ranks low on the flamboyance roll-call of the West African nation’s mega televangelists, but he is arguably the most popular.

He has headed the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) for nearly 40 years – and under his stewardship it has grown phenomenally.

It is rare to find in Nigeria’s mainly Christian south a street without an RCCG church, some streets have two – and its dove logo has become part of the landscape.

But the pastor’s views on marriage and gender roles has some eyes rolling in the age of #metoo – even in this conservative country.

He has been active on social media over the last decade – and when he posted some “lessons” for women on his wife’s birthday in July – it snowballed into a Twitter storm that sparked a big conversation about feminism.

“No matter how educated or successful you are, your husband is your head and you must regard him as such at all times,” he tweeted to his 1.3 million followers.

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