Angry mob in Salima have killed a man suspected to be a habitual criminal at Thavite trading centre.

Jacob Khembo PRO Salima Police Station said the suspected criminal has been identified as Chikondi Kagalu, 35 from Manyenje village, T/A Mwanza in Salima.

“The deceased was a well known criminal in the area and on the material date, he was caught stealing batteries from motor vehicle at Henry Nguluwe’s premises.

The owner shouted for help and the mob descended on the suspect and started stoning him. But Community policing members from the area rescued him from the mob and later took him to Thavite Health Centre where he died upon arrival.” Said Khembo PRO

He explained that Police visited the scene and later proceeded to the health facility where postmortem was done and it revealed that death was due to head injuries secondary to assault.

“Police condemn the act of killing suspects in the strongest term and will make sure that those involved in the killings will be taken to book.” Added Khembo

Credit: BeyondFM

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