Police in Dowa district have launched a manhunt for for a hit and run driver who killed one person and injured two others on Wednesday morning in the district.

Dowa Police Public Relations Officer, Sub-Inspector Gladson M’bumpha confirmed of the incident and identified the deceased as Catherine Godfrey while two other casualties as Edward Maxwell and Pelesita Shawa, both from Chiphadzi Village in Traditional Authority Khombedza in Salima District.

According to the PRO, the accident occurred along Salima-Lilongwe road, involved unknown motor vehicle driven by unknown driver and unregistered motorcycle ridden by Edward Maxwell.

“Traffic Police report indicates that, the motorcycle was being ridden from the direction of Mvera heading Salima with two pillion passengers on board.

“Upon reaching at a certain point near the house of Joe Dawe, the motorcycle was hit from behind by unknown motor vehicle which was also heading towards the same direction driven by unknown driver and the motor vehicle sped off,”said M’bumpha.

Due to the impact, the rider of the motorcycle Edward Maxwell sustained fractures on the left leg and arm while the two pillion passengers Pelesita Shawa and Catherine Godfrey sustained serious injuries and Catherine Godfrey was pronounced dead upon arrival at Dowa District Hospital.

The two other casualties Edward Maxwell and Pelesita Shawa are currently admitted at Dowa District Hospital.

The motorcycle has been extensively damaged.

Meanwhile, police have launched a manhunt to trace the motor vehicle and the driver and if arrested, he will answer a charge of causing death by reckless driving and failing to render assistance in a road accident.


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