Barely days after a court in Zomba revoked a driving licence and heavily fined a driver for causing death due to reckless driving, a minibus driver has also been ordered to pay a fine of K300,000 after the court found him guilty for causing death due to reckless driving which is contrary to Section 126(4)(c) of Traffic Act.

Eastern Region Police Prosecutor Asma Katete told the court that, on June 28, 2020 at about 1620 hours, Alick Ibrahim was driving a motor vehicle registration number NB 7955 Toyota Hiace minibus from the direction of Zomba heading Liwonde with passengers on board.

Upon arrival at Naming’azi just after Naisi Trading Centre, Alick lost control of the vehicle due to speeding and hit a pedal cyclist Alli Mwalimu Sayini who was crossing the road from left hand side of the road.

Following the impact, the pedal cyclist (now deceased) sustained serious head injuries and died at Zomba Central Hospital after spending 7 solid days in the intensive care unit.
Alick pleaded guilty to the charge when he appeared before the court.

In his submission before sentence, Katete pleaded with the court for a stiffer sentence because the family has lost a father who was taking care of them due to his reckless driving.

In mitigation, Ibrahim apologised to the deceased’s family and asked the court for a lenient fine since he is not working.

When passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Leonard Mtoso concurred with state and ordered Alick to pay a fine of K300,000.00.

He hails from Chipalamawamba village, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi district.

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