A woman in Zimbabwe in Hwange and her two granddaughters are lucky to be alive after they narrowly escaped death. Her estranged son-in-law torched two huts and destroyed property in protest after his wife left him.

Accordibg to iHarare, Mrs. Grace Moyo and her granddaughters Linet Moyo and Belinda Sibanda, were sleeping in a bedroom hut when Absalom Nkomo (30) arrived around 11 PM and started insulting them before burning down the huts.

Nkomo was once married to  Nobuhle, Moyo’s daughter. However, they are reported to have been having marital problems for quite some time which resulted in her leaving him on August 9.

On the night in question, Nkomo, who also stays in the same village, is alleged to have gone to his in-laws’ homestead demanding to know of his wife’s whereabouts.

Prosecutor, Mr. Thulani Ncube told the court that Nkomo insulted his mother-in-law before setting alight two huts, burning property worth more than  $203 400  and US$25 which was in the bedroom.

“On the 9th day of August at around 11pm the complainant was in her bedroom hut with her grandchildren when the accused arrived. The accused asked his mother-in-law about his wife Nobuhle Moyo’s whereabouts and the complainant told him that she didn’t know where her daughter was. The accused became furious and insulted the complainant,” said Mr Ncube.

Even after Moyo pleaded with him not to set fire to the huts, Nkomo went on to burn the kitchen hut and bedroom hut. She watched helplessly as her two huts burnt down.

Luckily enough no one was hurt as Moyo and her two granddaughters were already outside the house when he set the two huts on fire.

Nkomo pleaded guilty to malicious damage to property when he appeared before Hwange magistrate Ms. Rangarirai Gakanje on Friday. He was fined $6 000, if he fails to pay he will serve a prison sentence of six months.

In addition, the magistrate sentenced Nkomo to 10 months imprisonment of which two months were suspended for five years on condition of good behavior.

The remaining eight months were suspended on condition that Nkomo restitutes his mother-in-law the  $203 400, being the total value of the destroyed property and US$25 by Monday next week.

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