A 31-year-old man, George Tchowa is to spend eight years in prison for defiling a 12-year-old girl in Mangochi.
Mangochi First Grade Magistrate, Roy Kakutu handed down the sentence on Tuesday after convicting Tchowa of the offence, which contravenes Section 138 (1) of the Penal Code.
The court learned through state prosecutor, Assistant Superintendent Davison Banda that Tchowa committed the offence on July 10, 2020 at about 9 pm at Mpale Village in the area of Traditional Authority Nankumba in the district.
Banda said that evening the girls sister had gone to visit some relatives within the neighbourhood and that the 12-year-old sat on their veranda waiting for her sister.
He further told the court that Tchowa took advantage of the girls loneliness to defile the minor.
“The accused came to the girl, grabbed her and covered her mouth before dragging her to his shop where he defiled her,” Banda told the court, adding: “He gave the girl a K500.00 note and told her not to disclose to anyone.”
However, Banda said the girl disclosed the ordeal to her elder sister, prompting the latter to report the matter to the village head who in turn reported to Makokola Police Unit.
Tchowa was arrested but pleaded not guilty and denied the charge when he appeared before the court prompting the state to parade five witnesses who testified against him.
In mitigation, Tchowa asked the court to exercise leniency when passing sentence, saying he acted ignorantly but the state prayed for stiff sentence describing the conduct of Tchowa as uncalled for.
Magistrate Kakutu concurred with the state and sentenced Tchowa to eight years imprisonment with hard labour as a deterrent measure to other would-be offenders.
Tchowa hails from Matepwe Village in the area of Traditional Authority Nankumba in Mangochi.
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