It’s hard not to notice when someone does something good.

In life you meet a lot of people and some of them will definitely leave a mark in your heart for all the good things they did for you.

It is always nice to appreciate them when you get a chance so that they feel appreciated and inspired to continue doing good.

This white man named Stefan Van Aardt is a very good example of someone who returned a favour for someone who did well for him.

When he was growing up his family used to have a black maid who helped taking care of him and doing chores around the house and her name was Mamma Doreen Nkosi.

She was so good to them and worked for them for a very long time. She is the one person who taught him to speak Zulu and in his words he said. “I think I speak better Zulu than Afrikaans”.

He also assured her that if ever she needs something she should not hesitate to contact him.

When the boy grew up she still remembered her and wanted to do something nice for her.

She visited Mamma Doreen at her homestead after so many years and you will not believe how happy the old woman was.

She has now grown old and can’t hardly stand up straight but she was very delighted to see the man she once took care of as a child.

Am sure she now knows that she ddi something good in her life and it did not go unnoticed.

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