Police in Chitipa have arrested two people for allegedly stealing a motorcycle in the district.

Sub Inspector Gladwell Simwaka Chitipa Police Station PRO said the two have been identified as France Mtambo 24 and Sifa Kalesi 25, both of Zamamba Village in Traditional Authority Kameme in Chitipa who commited offense on August 29, 2020 at around 4pm at Nkhangwa Community Ground.

“The suspects stole a Kinglion motorcycle, registration number MC735 CPJ at Nkhangwa Primary School Ground where the owner went to watch a footbal match.It is reported that the suspects stole the motorcycle at the parking area while the owner was watching the game.” Explained Simwaka

Simwaka said investigations into the matter led to the arrest of the suspects and recovery of the motorcycle which is valued at K850 000.The two will appear in court soon to answer a charge of theftof motorcycle.

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