A homeless man has been jailed for attempted rape a year after he was told to “take stock” of his life by the courts.

Robert Conroy, 41, said he launched his attack after he took so much drugs and booze he heard voices in his head telling him to have sex with somebody before he died.

He prowled the streets of east Hull in the early hours of March 19 before he attacked a young woman along a footpath.

He was carrying a shopping bag filled with two bottles cider at the time, Hull Live reports.

Prosecuting barrister Charlotte Baines told Hull Crown Court that the victim had been returning home after shopping at Asda in Mount Pleasant when she was attacked.

Forensic tests were carried on the two bottles and the defendant’s DNA was found, concluding he had been drinking from them.”

The victim told the court in a statement that the incident had caused distress and anxiety it was affecting her work and her home life.

Conroy admitted to the offence of attempted rape and appeared at Hull Crown Court on Tuesday

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