An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude’s death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage.

Mr Floyd died in May after a white policeman knelt on his neck for nearly eight minutes.

Tensions have risen again in recent weeks after black man Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back and paralysed during an arrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on 23 August, sparking large protests in the city that have turned violent.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has called for charges against police involved in Mr Blake’s shooting and that of Breonna Taylor, an African-American woman who was killed in her Louisville, Kentucky home during a drug raid in March.

“I think we should let the judicial system work its way,” he told a news conference in Delaware. “I do think at a minimum, they need to be charged, the officers.”

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