What was to be romantic outing turned tragic for two lovebirds when a 31-year-old woman was swept by raging waters.

The Kenyan woman, Dorcas Jepkemoi Chumba accidentally slipped and drowned as she posed for photos on Sunday afternoon.

Benjamin Kazungu, her fiance, said they had gone to the falls to enjoy the afternoon.

The romantic picnic had been in their plans for long, only for it to turn tragic.

The photographs Kazungu took that afternoon with his phone were the last of Chumba, the exact moment she fell into the falls still edged in his memory.

“It was the worst scene of my life. Seeing her sinking helplessly into the water and my effort to save her proving futile breaks my heart even more,” he said.

Kazungu narrated how beautiful Chumba looked as she posed for the pictures.

Then she was gone in a flash, after accidentally slipping into the flooded dam and disappearing into the water. Chumba’s family has been camping at the falls since Sunday, hoping that her body will be retrieved soon.

All efforts by local divers have been unsuccessful. Victor Kiptoo, Chumba’s brother, said his sister had been in a jovial mood that morning as she prepared for her date.

“Painful as it is, it has happened and we have accepted it. We are requesting for help to retrieve the body for burial,” he said.

According to the local publication K24Digital, the family is pleading for help from the national and county governments of to retrieve the body.

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