The late diamond dealer, Samuel Makaripe’s funeral wake, became the talk of town after mourners jostled to pick up money which was being thrown around by his colleagues.

Vulgar funeral dances and thuggery left some mourners shocked as they hadn’t seen a funeral of such a calibre.

Diamond Dealer's Funeral

Makaripe died on Monday after a short illness, following a visit to his second wife.

As a result, there were two funeral wakes at both his wives’ houses.

His colleagues sang vulgar songs while some pulled some se_xually suggestive dances, in front of the deceased’s relatives and friends who had travelled all the way to pay their last respects.

On the way to and from Birchenough Bridge Cemetery, there was use of foul language.

Makaripe’s friends forcibly seized the coffin from the hearse and placed it in a relative’s vehicle.

There were no church officials at the funeral and there were no religious rites  observed during burial.

There was no body viewing or graveside rituals  even though Makaripe was not a Covid-19 victim.

Makaripe’s nephew and Mutare businessman, Charles Chave said they felt disrespected by the whole debacle

“As relatives, we were not amused with the other mourners’ rowdy behaviour during the funeral. We were paying our last respects to our beloved relative, but some people thought otherwise. Some of the behaviour we witnessed was unacceptable.”

Diamond Dealer's Funeral

While fellow diamond dealers threw money around, the other mourners at the funeral were starving as the late Makaripe  had fallen on hard times in recent months.

Makaripe’s close friend said his death should be a lesson to all

“This was a lesson to all of us to prepare for any eventuality. It is sad that some of his friends saw it fit to throw money in the air when Makaripe died almost a pauper. This is really sad. People need to know that money should not be abused like that.”

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