A 59 year-old man, George Chambo has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment with hard labour for impregnating a 27 year-old mentally challenged woman.
Chambo convicted and sentenced by the Mangochi First Grade Magistrate Court on September 4, 2020.
The matter came to light in June this year when the victim’s sister (guardian) noticed some peculiar features on her.
After quizzing her, she admitted and mentioned Chambo as the one responsible for the pregnancy.
The victim also revealed that Chambo had slept with her for several times.
The matter was reported to Masuku Police Unit where a medical form was issued and results from Bwananyambi Health Centre confirmed that the victim was seven months pregnant.
Appearing in court, Chambo pleaded not guilty and the state paraded four witnesses who proved the case beyond all reasonable doubt.
In mitigation, Chambo asked for the court’s leniency but the state quashed this saying the accused took advantage of the victim’s situation to violate her rights.
When passing judgement, First Grade Magistrate Mtunduwatha Mpasu found him guilty and handed him this custodial sentence saying this should deter other would be offenders.
George Chambo hails from Minandi Village in the area of Traditional Authority Bwananyambi in Mangochi.
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