State House Monday unveiled a weekly briefing which will accord members of the press to ask various questions regarding the presidency.

State House Director of Communications, Sean Kampondeni said the weekly briefings will help Malawians appreciate what the president is doing in transforming the country.

Kampondeni said, among other things, the briefings, to be held every Monday at 11am, would be providing a detailed account of activities the President undertook in the previous week as well as highlighting activities to be taken that week.

He said the State House is committed to transparency by ensuring that Malawians are not kept in the dark on presidency issues.

“That is why President Chakwera committed to operationalise the Access to Information law when he presented the State of the National Address on Friday,” Kampondeni said.

Commenting on the issue of Malawi Enterprise Development Fund (Medef) loans, Kampondeni said Chakwera is committed to ensuring that all Malawians benefit from the loans regardless of their political affiliation.

According to Kampondeni, Chakwera is today expected to meet Zimbabwe High Commissioner and chiefs from Karonga and Chitipa.

Tomorrow, the President is expected to meet chiefs from Mangochi and Nkhotakota.

Kampondeni added that in the subsequent briefings, there will be appearances by various ministers to explain what they are doing in their respective ministries as part of the transformative agenda.

credit: TimesMw

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