LILONGWE – Government says the on-going constructed Grand Business Park will help create 1500 direct jobs and 2000 indirect job opportunities to youths and local people in Malawi.

Deputy Minister of Lands, Abida Mia said this on Tuesday when she visited the on-going Chinese project of the construction of the park which has estimated to cost K73 billion (100 Million US dollars) at Area 46, Western By-pass road in Lilongwe.

“Youths who have completed their courses in different community technical colleges will be able to find jobs and business opportunities after the completion of the magnificent park,” Mia said adding that the development would also help Malawi economy and change the face of Lilongwe city.

However, the minister appealed to the contractors to stick to original designs and ensure quality in the construction of the business park.

She said the government is committed to protecting investments like the on-going grand business park and provide tenure security including ensuring property rights on the investments in the country.

“We encourage investors to strictly follow and keep the terms of the lease agreements,” she highlighted.

General Manager for the China Lilongwe Grand Holding Corporation Limited, Wu Gaogiang said the park which would be composed of a shopping complex, shopping mall ahigh class office building, and villas will support facilities such as a five star hotel and conference center.

“People dealing in commercial activities in the country will be able to find basically everything under one roof.

This will change the appearance and beautify the city more,” he explained.

Deputy Manager for the park, Sherry Wang added that some of the trading will include building materials, decoration materials, furniture, and items for home use including clothing and shoes, car and auto-parts sales, electrical appliances just to mention a few.

The Grand Business Park project was launched in 2017 and is expected to be completed after four years from the date construction works started in 2018.

Source: MANA

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