A 52 year old man has hanged himself after being suspended from work.

The incident happened on September 11, 2020 at Kanyambwe village under traditional authority Njombwa in the district.

The deceased has been identified as Simplex Phiri, 52.

According to information police have uncovered, Simplex Phiri was recently suspended from his post as a watchman at Mwimba College of Agriculture over a quarrel he picked with his fellow watchman for failing to pay back 8,000 debt which Simplex Phiri owned him.

After being suspended, Simplex Phiri resorted to start drinking beer excessively a habit which according to his wife was strange as he stopped drinking beer a year ago.

On September 11, 2020 Simplex Phiri body was found hanging in a tree at a nearby bush.

Postmoterm conducted showed that death occurred due to suffocation.

He hailed from Mnyamula village, traditional authority Lukwa in Kasungu district.

So far this month, three people have committed suicide making the total number to 24 this year.

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