The Malawi government has commended the At- tariqatul Qadria Sunni Association (AQSA) on it’s effort to empower women nationally with vocational skills.

The Deputy Minister of lands honorable Abida Mia made these remarks in Phalombe on Monday during the graduation ceremony of some women about 200 in total.

Every graduate was given a free sewing machine and a laminated certificate.

The women have been trained in tailoring and design by AQSA.

In an interview with face of Malawi online Abida Mia said that in line with the state president Dr Lazarus Chakwera programs the government is also committed in empowering women so that they are depending for themselves economically.

According to Abida Mia her ministry is putting in place all the mechanisms to see to it that women too have an opportunity to own land.

In this regard Mia said that the tailoring and design project could assist women to buy basic needs like soap,sugar,school fees for their children as well as buying land to build a house.

Sheikh Abdul Razak Liwonde AQSA representative said that a lot of women were lacking financial support hence AQSA coming up with this initiative. We focus on tailoring and design trainings targeting vulnerable women.

Liwonde however said that through the project a lot of women are able to depend themselves financially.

Government must look at removing VAT from sewing machines as one way of boosting the tailors across Malawi.

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