The Senior Resident Magistrate court sitting in Limbe on Tuesday 15 September, 2020 ordered a 38 year old Enock Muyala to spend 8 years behind bars for a breaking incident that took place at Top Range at Maoni in Limbe.

The court, through Lewis Pharaoh heard that during the night of 13th June 2020, the convict together with other accomplices broke into Top Range Civil Engineering Contractors offices at Maoni and stole property worth millions.

The convicts went away with 3 desktop computers, 2 network cables, one caterpillar tool box, assorted cat tools, SES Cat laptop system and software, heavy-duty UPS and sockets, professional Panasonic camera, three LCD monitors, among others, and K2,850,000.00 cash; all valued at K37,737,000.00.

Pharaoh asked the court to mete out a deterrent punishment, saying the offence which is a felony in nature was systematically planned. He also said that the construction company suffered a total loss as the stolen items were not recovered.

In mitigation, the convict pleaded for leniency saying he is the breadwinner of his family.

When passing judgement, the presiding magistrate, Senior Resident Magistrate Byson Masonga concurred with the state and sentenced Muyala to 8 years imprisonment with hard labour for ‘ Breaking into a building and committing a felony there in’ an offence that contravenes Section 311 of the penal code.

Muyala, hails from Mchochela village in the area of Traditional Authority Mpama in Chiradzulu.

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