Deputy National Organizing Secretary for the United Democratic Front (UDF)Andrew Nkhana has been suspended over a leaked conversation with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Brown Mpinganjira.

in the leaked conversation, the two were discussing for a possibility of merging the two parties into one.

UDF Acting Spokesperson Yusuf Mwawa confirmed of the suspension in an interview with the press, saying the decision was reached during an extraordinary National Executive Committee meeting held on Sunday.

“It is not that he has been suspended because of holding the views to merge UDF with DPP. The issue is gross breach of discipline. We want to look at the issue on the surface and he will go for a disciplinary committee where he will explain himself,” said Mwawa.

Effort to talk to Nkhana proved futile.

DPP/UDF formed an alliance ahead of the June 23, 2020 fresh President polls with former President Peter Mutharika as alliance torchbearer while Atupele Muluzi was the running-mate.

The alliance failed to defend the leadership mantle.

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