The Senior Resident Magistrate Court in Ntcheu has  sentenced a 42-year-old man to 15 years in jail with hard labor for raping his 12-year-old stepdaughter.

The state prosecutor, Sub Inspector Brazio Kambalame, told the court that on the said date at around 0900 hours the convict, George James, sent his wife, mother to the victim, away to his village to collect maize for food.

While his wife was away, James found some space to drag the victim to his bedroom and rape her.

His wife returned home sooner than expected and caught him raping the child. It was this time that the young girl revealed to the mother that this was third third time since her step father started raping her.

The girl also revealed that she was being threatened that she would be sent away from the house if she ever revealed her ordeal.

Medical examination at Ntcheu District Hospital confirmed the rape on the girl. James was arrested and charged with defilement, contrary to section 138 (1) of the Penal Code.

In court he pleaded not guilty, the state paraded witnesses to secure conviction.

The state asked the court to slap James with stiff punishment citing the high prevalence of such cases in the district, mostly perpetrated by close relations and guardians who were supposed to protect the victims.

Senior Magistrate Resident Yohane Munthali concurred with the state. He then slapped James with 15 years’ imprisonment with hard labor to serve as a lesson to such stepfathers.

George James, hails from Chepa village, Traditional Authority Kwataine, Ntcheu.

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