South Africa police have arrested a man who allegedly hacked woman and her 2-yr-old daughter to death with a bush knife near Phoenix, north of Durban.

Police spokesman, Brigadier Jay Naicker confirmed the news on Thursday October 1, 2020.

The incident took place on Solly Mathe Road in Mount Royal, a housing scheme between Phoenix and KwaMashu where the suspect had been renting a room on the property.

Reports revealed that the 62-year-old suspect attacked 30-year-old victim and her daughter on Wednesday when they came to visit him.

He reportedly fled the scene shortly after the incident before the woman and her child was found with slash wounds to their upper body.

Daily News reported that the woman was pronounced dead at the scene and the daughter died on the way to the hospital.

Brigadier Jay Naicker said the suspect was spotted sneaking back into the house in the middle of the night before police arrested him with a bloody shirt and he’s expected to before the Verulam Magistrate’s Court soon.

The incident comes shortly after two bodies of women both in their twenties were discovered near the Poly Clinic in KwaMashu on Tuesday with gunshot wounds to their heads.

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