Vice president for United Transformation Movement (UTM) Dr. Michael Usi has asked supporters to give political violence a cold ear if the country is to move forward.

Usi was speaking at Chinsogholo ground at Lupembe in Karonga Central Constituency on Sunday during the campaign launch for the party’s candidate in the by-election slated for November 10.

According to Usi, this is not time for the dark ages but time for light in order for the country to develop.

“You see, Malawi is tired of political violence, hate speeches and lies. What we want now is development and we cannot achieve meaningful development if we are not united,” Usi said.

After the Tonse Alliance took power from Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) there have been internal fights among the supporters of the two main parties in the Alliance Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and UTM.

Usi’s remarks came at a time it was reported that some people believed to be MCP supporters mounted a roadblock blocking UT candidate Frank Mwenifumbo who was on campaign trail ahead of November 10 by-elections.

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