Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the South Kondwani Nankhumwa who is also leader of opposition has quashed reports that he is intending to join the United Transformation Movement (UTM) of Dr. Saulos Chilima.

Nankhumwa said this during a public rally held at Bangwe Desert Ground in Blantyre.

In his speech, Nankhumwa said he was surprised by news of his removal from the seat of DPP vice president for the South.

Nankhumwa said he was voted into the position at the convention and it’s the same delegates that voted for him have powers to relieve him off his duties.

He also asked DPP followers to pray against the spirit of backbiting in the party.

Some of the notable faces that attended the rally include; DPP Secretary General Grezelder Jeffrey, Members of Parliament such as for Zomba Chisi, Mark Botomani, Blantyre Kabula Getrude Nankhumwa, Mulanje West Yusufu Nthenda and Soche East Councillor Leonard Chimbanga.

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