Campaign for Health Education, Sanitation and Hygiene (CAHESH) alongside Optichem fertilizer manufacturer and distributor in Malawi donated face masks to standard 8 learners from 10 schools in Chikwawa district on Tuesday.

Speaking during the symbolic handover of the face masks at Lengwe Primary School in the area of Paramount Chief Lundu in the district, CAHESH’s Executive Director, MacDonald Kaluwa said distribution of the face masks was crucial looking at the promotion of confidence in learners that they were likely to sit for their exams.

“The other area looked at their health. The face masks will go along way preventing them from the further spread of the pandemic,” stated Kaluwa

He further said CAHESH was also implementing other projects in the district while commending the cordial relationship his organization has with the Chikwawa district council.

On his part, Optichem’s Director, Fernando Joe Coroa, said they were part of the face masks distribution to Chikwawa learners as part of adhering to their Social Corporate Responsibility (SCR).

“We realize to have a responsibility of contributing towards the needs of the communities in the country. So, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a call from government to various stakeholders so that we can assist in one way or the other on the same.

“So, we felt we could partner with CAHESH who have been doing commendable job in their implementation of various activities,” stated Coroa

Receiving the donation, Chief Education Officer for Chikwawa district, Macshades Dakamau, expressed gratitude at the donation saying that brought in confidence in the learners that writing exams was possible.

“It is our plea that these partners should continue to support our schools in the district,” he said.

Chikwawa district has 182,000 learners and the donation of the face masks by the two organizations on Tuesday to the ten schools saw 1,250 learners benefiting.


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