The funeral of Jennifer Chaula, a wife to Bishop Gift Chaula of Kingdom Glory International Church at Kudya in Blantyre was marred by running battles following disagreement over burial site.

This is contrary to social media reports indicating that the mourners were baying for the blood of Bishop Chaula whom they accused of killing her wife for rituals.

According to information at hand, a brother to the deceased wanted the body to be buried in Balaka District, the original home of the deceased.

But this was rejected considering the fact that the proposal came after both sides had agreed to bury the deceased at Henry Henderson Institute (HHI) cemetery in Blantyre.

Sheriff Mambala, cousin to the deceased confirmed the development and quashed the social media claims.

“This is not true at all. The deceased happened to be my cousin and her mum was from Balaka. She had a cancerous wound on her feet for the past 5 years and that’s what killed her. I was there with my family throughout till burial at HHI. The problem was caused by her brother who wanted the remains to be buried in Balaka after we had already settled for HHI,” said Mambala.

Mambala also confirmed of the running battles by saying: “This really happened and it was embarrassing for us such that we had to engage police.”

“They were married for over 20 years with two girls aged 18, 16 and a boy aged 13. Problem is that our cousin refused any medication for her wound till she died.”

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