UTM Publicity Secretary who is also campaign chairperson for Phalombe North Constituency by-election, Dr Joseph Chidanti Malunga, said everything is pretty cut out for the people in the constituency if they are looking for development.
Chidanti was addressing scores of people on Wednesday September 7 at an impromptu rally at Mkongoloni Secondary School Ground after escorting UTM parliamentary aspirant, Justine Ambuye Amuna Mokowa to present his nomination papers to MEC at Khongoloni TDC.
He said as a key partner in the Tonse Alliance government UTM is slated to play a critical role in the social and economic development of Phalombe district and Phalombe North Constituency in particular.
He said voting for Mokowa would therefore be tantamount to voting for development because he is already in government. He said it is difficult for an opposition MP to advocate for development owing to the dynamics of politics in the country.
“I was once an opposition MP and I know how difficult it is to be in opposition and looking for development from government. Half the time development projects pass you by, and I experienced that until I was voted by my constituents because I was not able to give them the development they were looking for.
But you people of Phalombe North Constituency have an opportunity today to do the right thing to fast track your way to development by voting for UTM and Mokowa,” said Malunga adding that the decision to vote for Mokowa is the most popular even among chiefs and the business community in the constituency.
Speaking at the same rally, UTM Patron, Noel Masangwi urged the people to vote for Mokowa because UTM is the only party which is peaceful and focused on development.
He reminded the people of the violence that the party suffered in the district not long ago but said the party cannot retaliate because it does not believe in eye for an eye.
He said the responsibility to punish perpetrators of violence was left to God adding that by voting for Mokowa people will make a strong statement that violence in Phalombe is a thing of the past.
Presidential campaign Chairman, Felix Njawala, who was also among the speakers said the party has given all the support to Mokowa by among other things ensuring that he has adequate resource to travel around the constituency to deliver his message of development to the people.
He said this has been done based on the understanding and conviction that UTM is the best conduit through which infrastructure and other development initiatives can be piped through to the constituency and the whole of Phalombe district.
Speaking earlier after presenting his papers at Khongoloni TDC, Mokowa said he is ready to continue working for the people of Phalombe North for them to enjoy real and sustainable development.
He said the people of the area know him very well and can testify that he is a capable individual who can negotiate development on their behalf.
He appealed to the people to come out in large numbers on November 10 to vote for him in order to experience the change they have always been looking for.
Other notable speakers at the meeting were Regional Director of Women for the south, Loyce Mponda, Deputy Regional Governor for the South; Regional Organising Secretary, Amos Phiri and Phalombe District Governor.
The Phalombe North Constituency seat fell vacant following a High Court verdict nullifying the May 2019 results due to massive irregularities.
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