The case where Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), including Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC), is demanding Democratic Progressive Party to refund money collected from statutory corporations is expected to go into full trial after mediation failed between the concerned parties.
During a mediation hearing in Zomba today between the parties before Justice Texas Masoamphambe, Lilongwe Water Board lawyer Khumbize Dossi confirmed the board paid K10 million to the former ruling party in the Blue Night fundraising event held on July 29, 2017.
DPP lawyer Chimwemwe Sikwese is challenging that the party did not commit an offence in receiving donations from well wishers.
CSOs lawyer Wesley Mwafulirwa said since DPP is refusing to admit any wrong doing, in the case dubbed “Blue Night”, they will prepare for full trial of the case.
The CSOs are demanding DPP to repay the money to statutory corporations, issue a public apology for obtaining taxpayers’ money from government departments and settle legal costs in the case.
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