Government has warned that it will not tolerate people perpetrating racism in the country.

Minister of Homeland Security Richard Chimwendo Banda made these remarks in Parliament when he was responding to a motion which was raised by Member of Parliament for Mulanje Bale, Victor Musowa, on allegations of acts of discrimination and racism which happened to a Malawian couple at Mpingwe Sports Club in Blantyre.

Musowa took advantage of the private members day by raising a motion on alleged discrimination and racism in connection with a story that has been circulating on social media in recent days.

It is alleged that some Malawians were denied access to the swimming pool because they are of color.

The lawmaker further alleged that some rich businesses who own properties deny Malawians an opportunity to occupy their premises.

Musowa appealed to Government to take action.

“The issue of discrimination and racism against Malawians has been given a blind eye and deaf ear as such has become deep rooted in this country. For me, I am saying enough is enough. I will now be speaking against it up until the perpetrators are punished,” the outspoken MP said.

In his response to the allegation, Chimwendo Banda said the police have instituted an investigation into the matter and that appropriate action will be taken against the perpetrators if found to be true.

“When I saw that story on the social media I instructed the police to go and investigate and through their investigation, it has been established that the place is accessed only by paid up members and unfortunately those people who were denied access are not members of the club.”

The Minister added: “However we are continuing with our investigations because we have told them to give us the list of their registered members to see if there are indigenous Malawians and if we find that there are none, then perpetrators will be brought to book” said Chimwendo.

Meanwhile, the motion has been referred to two committees of industry and trade and legal affairs.

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