The Women Manifesto Movement march in Mzuzu has ended with a call to the appointing authority to address the issues as presented by the women marchers who are asking for the adherence to the Gender Act when making public appointments.

The marchers in Mzuzu were organised in solidarity with colleagues in other major cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe and Zomba demanding gender balance in appointing of people in decision making positions.

Only nine out of 67 boards announced last week by Capital Hill are chaired by women.

Speaking during the demonstrations, coordinator for the march in Mzuzu, Mwandida Theu, said the women want the appointing authourities to follow the gender equality act and give opportunities to women and the youth.

She says despite not attracting a large number of participants, she believes their concerns have been raised and will wait for responses from Government on the matter.

The demonstrators were joined by Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) leaders in the region led by their regional coordinator Happy Mhango, and Youth and Society executive director Charles Kajoloweka.


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