The lady of the night, who has been identified as Nothando Mpala, was not only put off business, but she won’t be able to enjoy sex as she bleeds profusely if she tries doing the deed.

The sangoma allegedly responsible for cursing her, has been identified as  Hlongwane.

Hlongwane retaliated after she confiscated  his bag containing his bones and powerful spells and magic charms, that he was boasting could cure all kinds of ailments.

Sources  claim Hlongwane is in the habit of hiring thigh vendors, after he comes into a little bit of money.

He reportedly hired Nothando Mpala who charged him US$10 for an afternoon quickie.

However Mpala held out for more and started asking for  US$15, claiming she had also offered him oral sex.

Hlongwane refused to pay the money and Mpala grabbed his bag containing his bones and his other paraphernalia.

Hlongwane then allegedly cursed her private parts as revenge

A source spilled all the details

“She initially didn’t take his threat seriously until she discovered that whenever she tried to have sex with a client, she starts bleeding continuously. Now she can’t work and enjoy sex and she suspects the sangoma is responsible for all her troubles. When she confronted the sangoma he refused to entertain her saying he knows nothing about the problem. Spirited efforts by her friends to beg the sangoma to reverse the curse were in vain. It seems no man will be able to ever poke her again if the curse is not reversed,” said the source who preferred anonymity.

Hlongwane is said to have refused to reverse the curse and Mpala has since fled for Binga after her business crumbled.

“Someone took her to Binga where she is reportedly looking for a sangoma to help her reverse the curse,” revealed a source

Hlongwane denied the issue  when quizzed by local publication.

Said he

“I have nothing to do with her problem. Leave me alone. What I do in private is my business and not yours, uyezwa (do you hear),”

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