A court in Mangochi has sentenced 34-year-old Paul Wandala to 18 years in prison for raping a one-year-old girl.

The Monkey-Bay Senior Resident Magistrate Court sitting as Child Justice Court delivered the ruling on Tuesday.

During court proceedings, Monkey-Bay Police Station Prosecution In-Charge Sub Inspector Elias Chitsulo told the court that, on October 5, 2020 Wandala took the victim from the hands of her 4-year-old friend as they were playing nearby his house.

The rapist took the child to his house where he raped her.

Wandala was caught red handed in the house by the 4-year-old girl who had followed her friend. The 4-year-old eyewitness rushed and reported what she saw to the victim’s mother.

The mother followed the matter and was shocked to find her child with the rapist undressed and girl bleeding from her private parts.

The matter was reported at Monkey-Bay Police Station where medical report form was issued and the results from Monkey-Bay Health Centre confirmed defilement.

Appearing in court, Wandala pleaded not guilty and the state paraded four witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.

In mitigation, Wandala asked for court’s leniency saying that he is a breadwinner and disabled but the state quashed his appeal, saying Wandala was heartless for violating such an innocent soul.

Senior Resident Magistrate Joshua Nkhono concurred with the state and passed the 18-year prison sentence to serve as a lesson to him and other would-be offenders.

Paul Wandala hails from Balamanja Village, Traditional Authority Nankumba in Mangochi.

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