A 21-year-old man habitual criminal in Mponela, Dowa has been assaulted to death by uknown criminals for being suspected of stealing.

The incident occurred during the night of October 18-19,2020, at Mngulu village in the area of Traditional Aurthority Dzoole in Dowa District.

The deceased has been identified as Fatsani Daniel 21, who hails from Mngulu village in the area of Traditional Aurthority Dzoole in Dowa District.

Facts are that Fatsani was a habital criminal such that he was oust from the village . He then took his family and relocated to a village far away.

Today on October 19,2020 at around 03:00 hours the Fatsani was found dumped in a river on a stagnant water. He had burns and multiple cuts on his head and was tied both legs and hands.

Scene was visited by Mponela Police Station CID officers together with a medical officer from Mponela Rural Hospital who viewed the body where it was pronounced that death was due to severe loss of blood secondary to multiple deep wounds.

Meanwhile,Police in Mponela further warn members of the community that the law will take it’s course to all those who will be found taking the law in their own hands.

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