By Robert Kumwenda

The Indigenous Business Persons Association of Malawi (IBAM) has reaffirmed its commitment to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) with training skills in business.

Florence Kawerama who is the Chief Executive Officer for IBAM said they are trying to make sure that business entrepreneurs are trained saying that they are busy working with TEVETA to offer each other services that are required.

Kawerama said their objective is to assist Malawians have access to finance. She also added that they provide the technical know-how to their staff so that they should be competitive on the market.

Florence Kawerama, IBAM CEO

“We are being viewed by government as a window which they can use to fulfill their agenda of creating one million jobs. We work with everyone be it Accountants, Auditors, Engineers, Entrepreneurs in hospitality and people that do small businesses like those who sell tomatoes,” she said.

She said they have done consultative meetings with the Ministry of Labor on how they can create jobs and make those already in business sustain their businesses.

The IBAM CEO said they are also interacting with other institutions of the same minds and other associations whose interest are similar to theirs like the Cross border Association.

She said they cater for all types of businesses in Malawi regardless of anything saying that she feels that they have achieved their goal through a number of consultative with different departments.

Kawerama further said that the current government has shown that it is open to interact with business persons and if that continues it will impact heavily on the projects that they are trying to do.


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