It rained tears on Sunday at a fellowship in Chibavi, Mzuzu where a 35 year old woman confessed, before repenting, that she has infected thousands of men with HIV/AIDS in Malawi and across Africa.

The young woman who suspects to have been infected with the venereal by some sugar dad while she was attending secondary school course at a boarding school in Lilongwe disclosed to the congregation that she had thought of repenting her sins and acknowledged Jesus as her personal savior after having series of visions and terrible dreams.

“I thought it was God speaking to me. I remember having a dream where a flame of fire had to condemn my evil habits. It warned me that should I continue terrorizing people knowingly, I would die,” she claimed.

The lady who, all things equal, is irresistibly beautiful, well structured, intelligent and soft-spoken, further wept heavily when she recalled to have terminated lives of young men, she had slept with, while at a University in Blantyre.

“I couldn’t resist anyone. I knew I’m already infected and who ever wanted my conjugal services, in was at his service,” she claimed. “I should’ve slept with about 50 sexual partners while at the university. That’s from first year to the last. I regret to have infected innocent souls.”

The lady who introduced herself to the patronage as Sally Hilton disclosed, in addition, that it has not been an easy decision to put forward such a confession but she gathered strengths to do so because she has the welfare of the remaining souls at heart.

“I know that through my confession others will be saved. Let me tell you brothers and sisters in Christ, let’s dedicate our lives to God and start our days with his words. There are so many traps the devil has set for us.

We may think we have to enjoy life as the youth not knowing the devil wants to ruin us. Brothers in schools. Be careful. Its the devil’s hotspot,” advised the lady amid cries and flooding tears lined up on her swarthy cheeks.

“I’ve an advise for you to take home,” she added. “Advise everyone out there to repent and turn to God. Tell them to stop sex before marriage. Let them ask God for direction. They must trust God first before any HTC. We could twist results then if we wanted to fool guys,” she said without disclosing how.

She was then laid hands, of the pastor, upon before she collapsed and delivered in the name of Jesus.

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