A faction in the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) calling itself Concerned Members of the National Governing Council (NGC) has asked the party’s President, Peter Mutharika to convene an emergency meeting in order to address challenges the DPP is currently facing.

Addressing a news conference in Lilongwe, DPP NGC Member Ken Msonda said a leadership dispute in the party can only be solved through contact and dialogue.

The grouping has also faulted the party’s central executive committee which consists of 10 members, for the delay in resolving the wrangle.

The Concerned Members have since threatened to shut down all DPP offices across the country and seek a court injunction restraining the party’s Central Executive Committee from executing its duties.

The group has also called on DPP Vice President for the South Kondwani Nankhumwa to immediately withdraw his injunction in which he is challenging his expulsion from the party.

Nankhumwa was along with other members including vocal Secretary General Grezeilder Jeffrey,Treasurer General Jappie Mhango and Mulanje West Legslator Yusuf Nthenda axed for insubordination, a decision they later successfully challenged in court.

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