The Office of Ombudsman has instituted a probe into alleged acts of bias, nepotism and irregularities in the recruitment , promotion and secondment of some staff at Tobacco Commission (TC) by outgoing Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kaisi Sadala.
Among others, Sadala is being investigated for allegedly facilitating sale of two institutional houses belonging to the commission to leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa and former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Nicholas Dausi, against a government ban.
The letter by Ombudsman which this publication has seen also alleges that the CEO facilitated recruitment of five staff members without interviews.
In the past years, Malawians have worried over bad treatment, bias, not following procedures when employing other staff: employing members due to political affiliation and tribalism and unnecessary promotions.
All these issues were not looked into due to what many Malawians called “political environment” offered by past regimes.
With the coming of Tonse Alliance into power, Malawians are expecting to see Malawi “okomera tonse” as stated by President Lazurus Chakwera and his vice Saulos Chilima during campaign period.
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