Following a WhatsApp leaked conversation of a Polytechnic Dean and female student which has gone viral on social media platforms, students from the University are calling for stiff punishment for those involved in the scandal.

Within the week, social media platforms were flooded with WhatsApp conversations of a Dean and a female polytechnic student in which the Dean was seen asking sexual favors from the girl who is said to be needy.

As the University’s  Student Union, Polytechnic Students Union (PSU) is calling for the management to give stiff punishment on its staff allegedly involved in the malpractice, other students are also asking the management to punish female student being found luring lectures on the same.

According to the conversation, the girl, who is identified by our reporter as Pemphero Kafanikhale was asking for accommodation and a laptop from the Dean’s office.

However, it is alleged that the Dean, Luciano Ndalama exploited the student in exchange for academic and other benefits.

In one of the conversations with the girl, the Dean said he was disappointed as the girl failed to show up at the supposed pace they agreed to meet where he (Ndalama) geared to ‘eat’ the girl.

After the development surfaced on social media, it attracted different views and opinion as others concluded that the two were involved in a sexual affair and that the girl leaked the private chat after being upset with Dean who went on mute on her.

While other on the other hand (believed to be polytechnic students sided with their fellow student it is the behavior of the Dean in imploring female students to offer their bodies for more favors at the campus.

Resulting the heated debate the issue caused, Kafanikhale, was forced to release a press statement justifying herself and described the whole thing as a trap to gather evidence to report Ndalama to the authorities.

According to Kafanikhale, after Ndalama started asking sexual favors from her, she reported the matter to the secretary of the Dean who advised her to play along to gather more evidence of which she did.

“It is however sad that I am being called names yet my intentions are clear, I wanted to help my fellow girls who are passing through the same,” lamented Kafanikhale.

She added; “It would have not been possible for me to report the Dean to authorities if I never had enough and strong evidence to support my allegations hence I opted to play along.”

Nevertheless, her explanations is still not adding up, according to other people who are believing that she leaked the conversation out of anger after seeing that Ndalama has lost interest in her.

See screenshots below>>>

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