Marriage is known or regarded as every girl’s dream. Imagine having been married by the love of your love and start a family together that blossoms and always gives you smiles.

Reality is, it is hard finding such a man or when you do they show you immoral and irrational behavior in your marriage like this woman below.

Turns out that her fiancé is showing signs of being a sex addict.

He supposedly demands 3 rounds of sex every night from her of which she cannot afford to do.

Truly speaking sex is tiring and to engage in it you have to be in the mood. If anyone forces you whether your fiance or husband to engage in any sexual intercourse without your consent its called rape.

The lady really wants to return his money for lobola but could this be possible as lobola is part of customary marriage and are now considered to be husband and wife by law.

I mean surely the ink in their signatures have barely dried up to annul such an agreement.

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