A young medical Doctor could not control himself after girlfriend dumped him, FaceOf Malawi has established.

This doctor is beaten so hard by love, hence could not let things be, which makes him weeps uncontrollably.

Moving forward, it is obvious the young man was seen crying like a baby during his office hours at the hospital and was videoed by his fellow worker who was surprised by the behavior of the young man.

In the video that can pass as the best ‘comedy’ skit for the year 2020, a medical doctor is seen crying his heart out after his longtime girlfriend dumped him for no reason.

From the footage, he was supposed to attend to patients waiting at the OPD but ignored to cry.

Well, we can’t say for sure what the young man did but what can be said is that the young lady might have gotten a new man and would want to be with him rather than the doctor.


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